Now scroll.

You can now export Rotato animations for the web. Scroll to see more.

If it's in Rotato, it can be on the web.

The animation you see here was made in a few seconds in Rotato.

Make something incredible.



The animation above was animated in Rotato, then exported to the web with the Render to Web feature. Let's take a look at how it works, and how to use it.
Why not video?
Video is great for slightly longer promo videos, but if you need a quick animation with more control, videos don't always quite cut it. With the Lottie player, you can skip to frames, play, pause, and get full control over They load almost as fast as a simple image, no buffering, no iframes.

How to do it


Animate in Rotato


Render to Web


Grab the Lottie file


Go live